Hello my dear Spyros Giasafakis.The 11th Festival Mediaval -11 Questions for you.
1) Daemonia Nymphe are one of the Veterans of the Festival-Mediaval. Whenever you perform, your show is very entertaining but very special too. It is a big mistake to miss your performance, even if you don`t like the neoclassical sound. What can we expect this year and how important is the show for the music?
We are so happy to return to the Festival-Mediaval, one of our favourite festivals in the world. Thank you so much for your kind comment about our concerts, the audience also made it so special. We wouldn’t define our sound as neoclassical though, I think that this is too narrow to express our sound. Daemonia Nymphe may be defined by the fact that every show is different from one to the other and this is what you are going to experience this year, a new show!
2) If you remember the last years you visited Festival-Mediaval, what are the funniest or nicest experiences you have made?
Drinking raki with Blacky was one of the nicest moments together with the amazing response that we had from the audience last year.
Can’t say about the funniest moments but can definitely say about the scariest ones when we suddenly found ourselves in front of the Krampus creatures.
3) Will you stay in Selb only for your show or do you have time to watch some shows this year? If yes which one you wanna see , or what is the most you are looking forward?
Unfortunately we can’t stay at the festival, although we would love to.
If we could, we would watch Euzen and Garmarna, because we have never seen them performing live. We would also love to meet Alan Stivell again; it was really nice chatting with him at the festival, and we haven’t seen our friends of Dandelion Wine for a while.
And of course it is always nice to meet our friends “The Moon and the Nightspirit”, ‘Omnia’ and ‘Faun’.
4) Sometimes I have problems to understand what you want to express with your show. Can you help me here a little bit and tell a little more what you wanna express.
There isn’t really anything particular that we intend to express with our shows. As the ancient Greeks who actually invented theatre as we know it today, we are also fascinated by the theatrical aspect of a performance. The ancient Greek play writers used to write the play, compose the music, create the scenery, the costumes and the props and perform it themselves.
Without trying to compare something here, we are also seeing the combination of different art forms as a whole, to create a unique and complete piece of art.
5) You are a band from Greece, but now living in London for a longer time. Is this your new home country or only a country of adoption by time?
Yes, Daemonia Nymphe originate from Hellas but we are actually an international band. We have and have had musicians from Jamaica, Wales, England Greece, Spain, Portugal and Turkey to name a few. We love London but we could indeed live anywhere; it doesn’t really matter where you live, as it does matter what you do. Having said that, living in different places extends your views about things, your inspiration comes from different sources and you somehow have the illusion of living longer. And because we want to live even longer, we are thinking to move to New York for a while.
6) I think you have most of your gigs in Britain but I think you perform in the whole world. Now Britains Brexit can bring a lot of disadvantages for you. What do you think general about the Brexit and can you imagine to leave London and live for example in Germany or in Greece again.
Yes, we perform around the world; we have performed in 14 countries so far in Europe and the USA. Brexit is a quite complicated issue to be discussed here. Until today there isn’t a clear view of what will happen after it takes place. Many Britons have regretted voting for it, nobody really knows what is going to change and even the politicians who govern the country don’t really have a clue. We don’t really believe that it will affect us that much, but then again, who knows what is going to happen?
7) You have made a soundtrack for a theater production in 2018. Surprising for a band. And you changed your music for Macbeth. Why Macbeth and do you love theater productions, musicals and therefore you did it?
It is not really surprising for us as we have been involved with theatre for a long time. We have composed music for many theatre productions including “Macbeth” for the National Theatre of Northern Greece. Macbeth is the only score that we released as an album.
Although it may be known in Germany, we have had excellent reviews for all the scores that we have done which were performed in the UK, Greece and Cyprus.
8) It is not so easy to read much about Daemonia Nymphe you are not a band who arouse attention. What can you tell us about the musicians behind Daemonia Nymphe?
Well, there are a lot of interviews online and it is possible to find quite a lot of them if you check online, although it is true that doing interviews is not the most favourite activity for us. We feel that there is more need for artistic creation than there is for discussions about the work itself. If there is a reason for us to say something, be certain that we will do it.
9) Let us look in the future of the band. Which ist the next ambitious aim you wanna reach with your band.
Well, we have many plans for the near future and we will actually announce most of them for the very first time here!
After Germany, we will perform in Greece and Belgium in the following months. We just entered the studio in London to record three brand new tracks which will be included in the digital re-release of the “Psychostasia” album at our bandcamp site https://daemonianymphe.bandcamp.com/ . The album will be released in November.
There are two recordings to be released in 2019, one of which is a remix album, collaboration with English musician Ian Williams, which will be released by an English label.
The other one is an album with fantastic female voices from around the world, who will sing a lullaby based on our “Witches’ Lullaby”.
10) I think if we look at the political situation worldwide, a lot of things are getting worse. And radicalism becomes stronger in many countries. Therefore music can be a mirror for the society.What do you think about it?
Obviously we are inspired and influenced by the place that we live in and generally by the world’s current situation among other things.
This can be easily acknowledged for example if you listen to tracks such as “Selene’s awakening Horos” which is actually a waltz. This was naturally composed when we moved to northern Europe and would probably not have happened if we were in Greece.
However music and art are not just the mirror of the society, in this sense actual mirrors can do a better job. Art and music are here to raise questions, to point out situations and to possibly open up people’s perspective.
11) Your Joker Question- if you have something which is important for you or which you wanna tell the people who read this interview make a question and give the answer.
We want to thank all the people who have been supporting us all these years.
Please check our sites: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagramm to follow our current and future activities.
Bernd Sonntag
Seit 2005 tingelt Suse mit ihrem ungewöhnlichen Stand durch Deutschland, Holland und Belgien. Überwiegend auf Mittelalter- und Fantasymärkten ist sie zu finden. Und sie steht im Winter auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt in Esslingen am Nekar. Der dauert aber fünf Wochen.
Zunächst hatte sie sich anderen Händlern als Aushilfe angeschlossen, da sie das Reiseleben faszinierte. Und so konnte sie hinein schnuppern und ausprobieren, ob es tatsächlich ihr Leben ist. Als sie feststellte, dass es genau ihre Vorstellungen erfüllt, war es nur noch ein kleiner Schritt, ein eigenes Geschäft aufzubauen.
Sie hatte schon immer einen Hang zu Stoffen, Tüchern und Kräutern. Das ist ihre Welt. Sie verkauft genau das und zusätzlich Tee, Räucherstäbchen und Gewürze. Ihren Stand betreibt sie alleine. Ich habe ihr beim Aufbau zugesehen. Es ist faszinierend zu verfolgen, wie sie aus dicken Ästen ein Gerüst entstehen lässt und schließlich dieser liebevoll dekorierte Stand vor einem steht.
Von Mai bis zum Festival-Mediaval, das ihre letzte Station ist, dauert ihre Saison, während der sie herumfährt. Dann geht sie zurück ins Oldenburger Land und kümmert sich darum, ihren Warenbestand zu erneuern und den Stand zu warten und zu pflegen. So schleift und ölt sie zum Beispiel ihre Hölzer, damit sie schön und vor allem stabil bleiben. Auch die Dekoration für den Stand wird wieder auf Vordermann gebracht.
Suse bezieht ihre Stoffe aus Deutschland, die Tücher kommen aus Indien.